Originally Posted by Willravel
What I do know, however, is that science isn't something you "believe in", it's something you either understand or don't understand.
And you know wrong, pleased to tell you.
Science is in fact more or less entirly opinable.
Think that my PhD thesis will be, to put that easy, to demonstrate that energy conservation principle isn't true under certain conditions (I not the first, that comes from Bohr but Pauli stopped him!)...
In edge science you have to believe in an intuition, if you attain of what you measure you can't do real science, you do only base technics with a scientific flavour.
In fact LQG (Loop Quantum Gravity) and String Theory are both attempt to unify General Relativity to Quantum Mechanics starting from differents basic assumptions, but for both there isn't feaseble experiments that falsify one from another.
For now you can only believe in an assumption or an another or, since both assumptions sound reasonable enough, only on what theory sound to you more elegant, if you prefer seeing the space-time as "stringy" or "loopy" (or maybe "non of above"). Saying that one of them is the "fact" is only a science-fundamentalist assumption, like fanboys telling personal prefers as "facts".
At the same way pretending that evolution is a fact due to uncertain and unprecise prediction is fanboyism not science. Evolution is a theory, probably the best about biological differentiation, but is a theory.
Creationism is surely not science, must not be though about science, but pretending to eradicate it as the flat-planet beliefs have been eradicated, for now, is utopia (or distopia).
I- scientific robustness of this theory isn't so strong as you believe.
II- people need, sometimes, to believe is what make them living better, screw the Science! And for some reason some people feels not so good without thinking about been projected by some God as his image and resemblance.