Originally Posted by ratbastid
dk, I don't get you at all. The current healthcare system has failed you and your wife utterly. Enough so that you're going to have to compromise your principles and get some sort of socialized help. I can really respect that--in my view, the honest man who steals bread to feed his family has made the only move he can make.
But... When asked to put $750 in the pot so the whole thing can work for EVERYONE, no, that's Government Overreaching, and you're willing to be hauled off to prison about it. Actually, prison is the likeliest result, you're WILLING to get yourself shot dead fighting off the people who would come arrest you about it.
On the plus side, at least you'll have aceventura's respect for being someone with "convictions"... On the minus side, you're dead...
The key phrase in your statement is "so the whole thing can work for Everyone".
What makes you think this can work. Every government program we have today is a financial failure. Not only will it not work(and it may take time to fail) It will eliminate what good we have in the current system. Once you make this move you can NEVER return. Government run (socialized is the proper term) will not be as good as what we currently have. See Canada , UK the list goes on and on.
Bottom line. The points made are the good parts of the bill. If they had put in the points above. ."ALL Government employees will also join this plan", I might have at least given it a chance.
I haven't been thru it yet and probably won't, but it isn't the stuff you know that will get you, it's the stuff you don't.
The price tag doesn't wash nor does another give away program.