I want to be right here in Charlotte, living in the same apartment, but I want my roommate to have his own place nearby. I want to be working the same job, still loving it. I need/want a motorcycle to replace my scooter--being my only source of transportation, it's not always reliable due to scooters and their starting issues in cold weather. Want to start taking better care of myself.. a really, really healthy diet instead of this minimal eating of 'meh' foods.. 6 months ago this question would be a lot easier to answer.. I just moved into my own place and shortly thereafter lost my job, took a month to find a new one, lost my savings to sustain myself, my transmission went out, I was going through a major bulimic relapse, the apt looked like shit, had no money to get gear for my new job, everything was falling apart, was doing steroids hard.. yeah, I was miserable. Now, I'm almost completely independent, got me a blackberry

, got a scooter (in the shop, but it's mine), sold that POS car, got internet, a couch, decent TV, keeping the place and myself clean.. most importantly, got out of that bad habit, cut back on the juice, and.. above all.. rekindled my relationship with God.
Most of all, I want a son and a pug. I'm considering adopting a toddler who needs a home as soon as I reach that point, but it's still difficult for me working the night-shift security at a strip club. I make between 215 and 290 per week right now, plus occasional 'tips' and 'fees', but when I become registered for Armed security with this company I'm with currently, I'll be pulling in about 400 per week. What I make now is more than enough to take care of me, but my kid is going to eat well, get everything he needs, including health insurance, and I'd like to actually get him the things he wants from time to time. I don't want to just 'give him what he wants' by any means, I intend to raise him like I raised my little bros. However, I was gracious to them, and I would like to invest in quality items that he can enjoy besides the TV and computer. A bicycle (with a helmet), basketball, etc. Stuff I don't see any kids appreciating at all these days.
Sometimes I dream about taking care of my own child, and the compassion I feel for this person is enough to make me cry when I wake up and realize it's not real.
Aside from that, I'm happy right where I am, aside from this damn arthritis [at 20 years old? Come on >

.. ]. Just want someone to share my life with, and I really don't need or want a woman in my life.