Originally Posted by new man
do you go after the biggest or smallest problems in your life? If your house is on fire, do you stop and yell at the dog for pissing on the carpet? Or do you deal with the biggest problem first?
Where do you draw the line between extremism and mainstreamism?
Again with the ignorance comments. I would argue that the amount of violence perpretated in the name of islam is not extremism. It is not the majority, but it is too great to be ignored. What will it take for you to wake up? will it be one of your muslim neighbors being stoned to death because a sharia court has formed in your neghborhood?
I'd tell the dog good show, he's using his hose to try and put out the fire.
Yet the amount of violence perpretated in the name of Christianity isn't too great to be ignored? Again you pick and choose, whichever one you have more of an issue with, Islamic violence bad, Christians killing doctors, not on my radar. When are you going to wake up? When your neighbour is shot because he performs abortions?