In three years, I want to be in a classroom, preferably at the front and not behind a desk or the lectern, but kneeling beside a student, helping them to learn about the beginnings of our nation. So basically, I want to be teaching humanities in an 8th grade classroom here in Oregon.
I also want to be happily married and saving up for a house while paying down my student loan debt.
How do I answer that question in a work setting? Well, that is easy enough for me. Most of the jobs I am applying for would love to hear that answer.
I met some friends of my parents this weekend, and heard an interesting story. Apparently, the lady of the couple interviewed for an intern position at her company many years ago, and told the division head that interviewed her that in 20 years, she saw herself in his job. She retired out of that job a couple months ago. Her husband tracked the man down as he had long since retired himself, and informed him that she had done just what she had said she would do. He sent her a card that said something to the effect of--well, that's why I hired her!
So sometimes, saying that you want your boss's job pays off.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau