Originally Posted by Ce'Nedra
I'm normally pretty regular. I use this online calendar to track my cycle and I'm always a day or two on track. All of a sudden this month I'm a full week and a half early. No usual PMS signs or anything. I'm not any more stressed than usual and the only medication I'm taking is over the counter cough syrup.
A week doesn't sound like it's something to get all freaked out over, but we've been trying to conceive for going on 2 years now, so any little thing out of the ordinary makes me nervous (and pisses me off!).
Any ideas? It's probably nothing, right? This kind of thing happens?
Oddly enough, this very same situation happened to me. I started two weeks early which I've never done before, just a few days before you posted this. I went to my doctor last week for something else and mentioned it to her, she said I could be pre-menopausal but found it very interesting because she had been hearing the same thing from several women all about the same time.