I feel like I'm stuck in a dream. I'm alone. I'm talking to myself and my dogs and expecting answers. Things just seem off. A mousetrap that's been setting there, undisturbed for 3 days suddenly snaps closed just as look in it's direction. It doesn't startle like I thought it would. It's just a curious thing. I'm outside giving my dogs some attention. I throw a stick and my dogs enthusiastically run after it. One of the dogs begins to return the stick as always, but this time he stops, drops the stick and walks off casually, ignoring my calls. The wind is blowing - tree frogs and crickets are chirping. It doesn't sound like a warm sunny day in November. I'm holding a fishing pole, I cast it out. I'm still standing in my backyard. I'm reeling it in, the hooks catching on every blade of grass. A moment of clarity. What the hell am I doing? I ask myself out loud. I seem to be returning to normal. It was a curious experience.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry