Originally Posted by highdro69
Oh, you have much to learn young padawan. Cho'gath is a tank. Through and through. He's not meant to do damage. He's meant to nom nom creeps and get really big (from his ultimate. Quick cooldown cooldown and all). You get a few high HP items on him like a Warmog's, and he becomes an unkillable beast. His passive allows him to stay out much longer than most other heroes, as it regens him like whoa (both mana AND HP) once you've mastered the art of last hitting.
Don't bother with an AP build on him, his skills don't scale well with it. Get big and fat with him, run around stunning and silencing everyone, and no one can stop you.
I've been playing Cho'Gath a lot recently and I have to disagree. Sure the tank build works but if you stack AP on him it's absolutely hilarious. His abilities scale VERY well with AP since all of them gain positive damage from AP. Hide in the brush, wait for ANY enemy to get in Rupture range with less than 85% health, then Q => W=> R and they're dead. Then they rage ha ha ha ha ha.
Last night I went 7:0 ratio with him using an AP build. The enemy champs couldn't get near me because of the QWR combo. One guy rage quit after I ate him. Heck, even if all you have is ult ready, you can hit them at full health and it'll take them down to half easy. AP Cho'Gath is so fun. Gotta have some extra regen built in though.