I laugh at the debate. Lasereth, I know you'll hate reading that, to some degree
I see them all the time. Lately more than usual. Not sure why the slight change, but anyways..
I have had experiences that included other people, so it was not some "figment of imagination" or "dreaming". When something screams several feet away from you at a very high volume in the middle of a field under open sky, with a witness, and the voice comes from nothing apparent in the direction you turn to look at, you know you've experienced something few ever do.
I've seen forms of energy invisible to others many times, sometimes "feeling" them externally (there's that subjective term) before the experience. I've heard random voices since I was a child, sometimes even to the point that I went to my family to see who was calling me while I was in the bedroom playing with toys. That went away for decades until a month ago, when I heard the first real voice, that I hadn't experienced since I was a kid. It was a simple request made to me, nothing like a schizophrenic experience or something of that nature. The request was personal and not to be talked about here.
About 2 months ago I watched a human form walk across the room and go through my closet door. It was very apparent and completely ignored my wife and I, like a passerby. I was nowhere near sleeping at the time, and it was not some random shadow made up by my overworked brain. It was surprising enough and it lasted long enough that I was able to stop, widen my eyes and take stock of the shape before it moved on. Around 2 seconds, which is actually a long time for this sort of experience.
I got blasted by a "feeling" as I was walking downstairs at 4AM 2 days ago. I turned to see white light near the ceiling, shooting out of view quickly. I detected more movement around 5 feet high that was subtle, then more light near the ceiling again, this time in plain view. I just shrugged it off, said "I'm going to bed, don't bother my family. If you're friendly, you're ok." and went to bed. Whatever.
People are locking down ways to show existence, but in the meantime it will remain a subjective experience for those that happen to notice.
In the meantime I have zero doubt of the reality of another reality, but not everyone is going to experience that. Thus is life. Keeping debating