Btw lasereth I saw your post on the metagame.
Personally, I think the tools for changing the 5 man gank squads are already in place with this patch, people just aren't using them enough.
90. Gold. Wards.
They last for almost FIVE minutes.
These are so cheap it's not even funny.
If you have map control/awareness, that makes 5 man gank squads far less effective. Wards give you that control. I find myself buying between 2 and 12 of these every game now for my team.
Next patch comes a further tool: CC invuln item. (I think/hope it's next patch). This will further increase the viability of not being in a 5 man pack. If you're caught in a bad situation, you at least have an option that gives you a chance at surviving instead of being chain CC'D to death.
With both of these tools, the metagame surely has the POTENTIAL to change. And if the other team is still 5 man squading? LET THEM. Go farm multiple lanes (with your map control, you know exactly when to get out

), farm 3/4 of the neutrals on the map (wherever they aren't), grab dragon when they're on the left side, baron when they're on the right. Teleport to pushed minion waves to quickly down a tower and get out, get to your lane when that 5 man squad decides to actually push. A 5 man squad is SLOW. Out maneuver them.
Finally we have the tools that it shouldn't be a dominant strategy; people just aren't using them enough.
If you wanted to keep a single ward alive before this in the game, it cost you 15 (45 minutes/3 minutes duration) * 150, or 2250 gold. That's a very high gold investment for only one area of the map, but it IS the entire game. Now? It's 9 (45/5) * 90, or 810. Almost 1/3 the cost. Wards are triply useful now. Use them

. EVERYONE. Even the carry can spare one or two, and the support should be buying them out the rear end. No one's item build is so critical to the game that you can't drop 90 here and there to help your team out.