Will: pig has it right. Let it reach the point where there's no denying it, if it exists, and then it's the right time to make a move. Otherwise, you just run the risk of looking like a jerk if you're reading things wrong.
Strange: I'm pretty sure I've pointed it out before, but your logic is almost
exactly the same as the logic used in oppressive cultures. Islamic women aren't required to cover their faces because they're bad people, they're required to cover their faces because men are such horrible creatures who cannot resist the unintentional temptations of the innocent woman. Their mere visual existence is a temptation to the brute that is man.
Such attitudes are sexist toward both genders.
Even more telling, I find it
hilarious that when someone specifically points out actual actions of another person, your response is simply, "I think this is very unlikely." What you think is irrelevant to the facts. Of course, if you knew that, you'd realize that what you
think other people feel has nothing to do with the reality of the world.
The fact I need to link to a
teen website to explain to you that lesbians have sex too says quite a bit:
How do lesbians have sex? | Scarleteen
That was the first result for a google search of "can lesbians have sex." Here's the third result, written by a lesbian:
Girl On Girl: Lesbians Can Have Sex, Trust Me | The Frisky
As she says at the end, echoing an earlier sentiment I posted, "I suggest you walk up to a lesbian couple on the street and tell them they are virgins. See what happens. I dare ya." But, again, I trust you won't believe her prediction either, since any woman who would act cruel is "psychologically male."
The sad part is you have
no idea just how offensive your attitudes are.