Sorry to burst your bubble but Kass' W is his worst ability. Here is my recommended skill build:
Q E E Q E R E Q E Q R Q.
Twisted Fate takes serious timing skill to use. His gold card ability DESTROYS. His combo of: set gold card, ult, quickly find low hp hero unless you already have a target, teleport in, and smack them, is just ridiculously powerful. He's not godtier in high elo games but he's solid enough. If you have good timing skills you will go far with TF.
Nasus: Option 1 with him (farmfest) is pretty standard in low elo games. I'm not there, so maybe he does destroy. He's definitely top-tier in high elo, but going option 2. I just don't find him easy to destroy with: might just be I'm not a nasus player

Tristana is a great carry. However, she's not the most mobile thing in the world, and stomping usually requires you to surprise your opponents. Add a phage/mallet on her and you might be able to destroy though ;o.
My trist build would be: Cleaver (#1 item for her), infinity, phage. Those 3 in some order.
Btw, hop on AIM

. Mine is Trinity of Self.
lol I keep missing you by like 1 minute.