Hey hooo.
I love explaining things :3. Satisfies some unconscious need to be useful I guess ;D.
I think the CE is well worth the money. I'll be buying it soon. As for new fees: they're going to be introducing new content to the game. However, they don't want to follow a model like WoWs: power creeping. They don't want new heroes to be BETTER. Have to stay balanced. New runes shouldn't be BETTER. Etc. So at some point, you WILL have a fully powered up LoL account that there's no need to ever buy anything again for. If you want the new flashy skins they make, or blah blah, you're free to do so.
And of course, you can get to that powered up acct without spending a dime (it'll be quite the grind for a FULL runebook, I'm the first to admit :P).
Top hero picks are a rough thing. The fact is, if any top 1% player entered even a middle-high game, he would destroy with whatever hero he picked (except maybe Heimer...).
I'll list some heroes that if you get really good at, really let you shine while solo queueing:
Twisted Fate