Originally Posted by LordEden
We are more important than your SO. I mean COME ON, getting drunk on a tropical beach with Tully, Amonkie, and I? There is nothing else in the world more important than watching a drunk Amonkie chasing a drunk Eden around the beach trying to give a birthday spankin' while a drunk Tully eggs her on. Name something funnier than that scene, I dare you.
Tell him you are going on a WORK trip. That's what married men do right? "Honey, I'll be gone for a business meeting this weekend, I'll be back on Monday."
Eden. you just made my snort out my coffee... because this is so.Fuckin.True.
Snowy.. you'd be surprised.... just ask him and see what he says. He knows I wouldn't let you do anything I wouldn't do...
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna