Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
you're supposed to be paying attention when you're driving.
I find roundabouts a wonderful addition because it reminds me that I must pay attention to driving. Driving is a participatory activity, meaning I really have to participate fully when actively driving. This is why I enjoy manual transmission as well. The more I'm forced to pay attention, the better I will drive.
When I'm just on auto pilot, one gets careless because there is no importance to doing so.
heavy traffic areas only work if the round about is HUGE. In low traffic areas, round abouts provide the safety of slowing down drivers.
Oh, you're such an optimist. Driving is not a participatory activity to these people, it's multitask time. Bluetooth for the cell, lipstick, $5 footlong, etc.
You know what else slows down drivers? Traffic lights. They're annoying but leave nothing to the imagination. Drivers need direct supervision.
SEE: "It's So Pretty / Historic" Washington D.C. traffic clusterfuck. I'd rather commit seppuku with a Taco Bell spork than make that commute for 20 years.