Alright, I'll go through 1 by 1.
Nasus is RIDICULOUS. There are 2 strong builds for him. 1, if you're new to the game/him/aren't very good in general (no offense): Max spirit fire. Its cruise control for farming. Sit in a lane and just kill each creep wave with spirit fire. Endgame, you've got ridiculous items and you run around and wtfkerpwn everyone.
Option 2: (Much more active): Take a level of your SS first, and farm it like -mad- for the rest of the game. Every time it's off cd you should be grabbing a lasthit with it. MAX your wither. One of the BEST slows in the game. Ridiculously awesome. Slightly more fluid after that. I go: Q W Q W W R W E W E R, max q, max e. Basically e is good to lay down in a teamfight for the debuff, not really for the damage (unless you go option which case you're useless after you lay down your e).
What do you mean by mage dps? Do you mean like, veigar? (Who nukes the crap out of everyone), or corki (who is a hybrid, a dps that's also a caster). The first (nukers) were the most easily shutdown 'class' before today. Now with triple the mpen (magic penetration) items after this patch, they are going to be a LOT more viable. Hybrids were always scarily strong (despite the lack of cc, Corki is imo one of the strongest carries in the game right now).
Others with stealth: Shaco. He's a BEAST. (And VERY assassiny) He got hit pretty hard with the nerfbat today (as always with Riot, a wide selection of tiny nerfs). Here's hoping he's a lot more fun to have in a game now. Teemo also got his passive reworked with this patch, except:
Riot f'd up with this patch. They introduced a bug which basically makes the game unplayable for over half of the playerbase. Obviously, they are working on this right now and will have a hotfix out A.S.A.P.
So once the patch is all up and working, Teemo's new passive (lie in wait) makes him stealth if he's stood still for 6 seconds. Taking damage, or moving / any action will break teemo's stealth. Seems interesting, gonna have to wait and see how it works.
There will be no more wipes, period, unless something catastrophic happens to their servers xD. Riot's business model: unnecessary microtransactions.
Right now we're living the good life with all champs unlocked (but no runes T_T). Come the 17th, the store opens (hopefully, assuming it's not delayed again), and we lose all free access to all champions.
There will be a rotating roster of 10 free champions each week. You are also able to unlock champions with either IP (earned by playing) or RP ($$). I have about 10k IP (curse you school). This is enough to unlock 3 of the most expensive champions permanently, about 6 midtier champions, or over 10 of the cheapest. Unlocking a champion is permanent. Also, if you choose to BUY the game (the collector's edition for $30), one of the many perks you will get is 20 (half!) of the champions unlocked permanently. Not to mention $10 in Riot points, which is probably enough to unlock another couple.
You can unlock EVERYTHING by playing (long enough), or pay to unlock champions. Runes will only be available with IP, not $$. I will probably spend my IP on runes and purchase the collectors edition + a couple champions that I really enjoy with $$.
The reason Riot chose this business model over a flatout box is they need continued income over the years. They plan on working on LoL for years to come (LimaBeans said that their minimum goal, if everything goes wrong and they can't sustain the game, is 2 years. He said their real goal is over a decade), so just like a MMORPG, they need continued revenue.
Now for my feelings on the patch.
Riot is amazing at fixing things that need to be fixed. Over 20 of the worst bugs have been fixed. Thank you jeezus.
They have balanced SO many things that need to be balanced.
Yet the biggest thing that we've been bitching about, the baron buff, stays nearly untouched. It's quite possible that all the other changes in this patch will so severely affect the metagame that this isn't necessary. Who knows, tho. Either way, we've gotta live with this baron for another week or two :P