In no way do I consider women inferior to men. In fact it is the opposite. Women on the whole are kinder, more moral, less violent, less greedy, more emotionally intelligent and lacking completely in cruelty compared to men.
One person made some kind of comment earlier that some lesbian would lead men on because simply because they enjoyed hurting their feelings. I think this is very unlikely... it is completely alien to the mindset of the normal female to be cruel in this way. I am not naive, I dont deny that in some occassions women may use their looks or attractions to get their way in some thing - but to suppose that any woman would do this simply for the pleasure of hurting someone is crazy. If this woman exists my feeling is that she is pyschologically male and suffering from gender identification crisis.
It is the male, aggressive and sexist on the whole - who will seek conquest purely for its sake, regardless of the othes feelings of other people. This sort of caddish selfishness does not exist in women except in very extreme cases where the woman is mentally ill. For the male this is average behaviour.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas