I give to buskers either all the change I have on me at the time, or if I happen to actually have a bill, I will give if they are good or at least trying. Hitting a coffee can with a stick without any attempt at rhythm gets you no where in my book, but an artist without a venue that gets my attention also gets my money.
If they are a beggar, I will not give. I give to United Way out of each paycheck and do my best to try to support local work programs. If they are waiting outside of a restaurant and asking for food I ask them what they want and I go get it for them.
The one exception to this was a bunch of friends and I were out and approached by an older fellow that didnt seem to be the usual street beggar and he asked us for some change to buy a beer because the bar where he wanted to just sit in for an hour or so kicked him out. We all scraped all of our change together to try to come up with enough for a couple beers. Also to add to this, he wasn't drunk nor did he smell like booze.
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.