Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Are you open to the idea of being gay?
Personally, I dont think so.
But if I lived in a society where male homosexuality was considered was considered normal and anything else as a deviation (even if a more acceptable one that it once was) I am sure I would feel conflicted - even if my natural feelings were heterosexual, I would also most likely feel a yearning to be "normal"
I suspect that this is what most male homosexuals feel at some times in their lives. A conflict between their natural feelings, and what societal pressure says is normal and correct.
In any case, lesbianism is rather different to male homosexuality
The male homosexual performs a sexual act with his partner
The female lesbian really may only perform what me might call intense foreplay... a lesbian cannot have sex with another woman in the real sense of the word.
For lesbian women this must make the idea of being with a man doubly compelling even if they dont have a natural attraction to the male - on the one the societal pressure to conform, and on the other hand the fact they can only truly have sex with a man.