Originally Posted by Xerxys
There's no difference between the droid, and the samsung instinct/behold/Solstice Blackberry bold or all the other HTC look a-likes that try to mimic the iPhone.
Just very good marketing.
Truly innovative phones are of course the HTC Touch, the iPhone, and the Palm Pre yet to be released in the USA on the GSM network.
geez, dont you ever get tired of being the wet blanket on the camp fire?
there are some possible problems , most stores only have the motorolas (which are generally crap)
but the htc will kick ass..... My roomate is a verizon rep so I have gotten to see all the training and pre release info. The Iphone has alot to be worried about.
still, I will wait for the 2nd generation to come out. why? well, the 70 percent return rate for the storm is a good example......