Originally Posted by Xerxys
There's no difference between the droid, and the samsung instinct/behold/Solstice Blackberry bold or all the other HTC look a-likes that try to mimic the iPhone.
Just very good marketing.
Truly innovative phones are of course the HTC Touch, the iPhone, and the Palm Pre yet to be released in the USA on the GSM network.
Wow...are you extremely ignorant about the current state of smart phones, making some oblique point that isn't obvious, or are you just trying to troll?
Congratulations on your Droids! The wife and I have been rocking G1's for over a year, and have loved 'em! We will be staying with Android as long as there is a viable platform to do so!
---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------
Originally Posted by warrrreagl
There were two Droids available - the Motorola and the HTC. The HTC is cheaper, but its OS (version 6) is already obsolete. The Motorola (OS version 7) is the way to go.
I don't know what Software Version thing you're talking about--the nice thing about Android-based phones is they will never be obsolete. My one-year-old G1 will be getting the same operating system you are running as soon as they push out an OTA update (or if they don't, I'll just download it and install it myself!).
As far as I know, the HTC Droid Eris is running Sense (also known as 'hero') on top of an Android 1.5 ("Cupcake") kernal, and the Motorola Droid is running a verizonified version of Android 2.0 ("Eclair"). The biggest difference is the Droid has higher resolution and a keyboard, wherease the Droid Eris has (in my opinion) a nicer interface. I currently run a hacked version of the "Sense" OS on my G1.