Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
No, not "at least it passed." Health care is one of those things where a shitty reform is worse than no reform. This is shitty reform.
While it's true that this particular bill is only
slightly better than week-old bread, I'm still of the mind that half a week-old loaf is better than none at all.
Proposals for a national healthcare system have been kicked around by our people/political leaders for
100 years - this bill is the very
first step we've taken in that direction. For that reason alone, it's a dramatic and encouraging accomplishment, and can be considered something solid to build upon. I'm extremely hopeful that our national inertia on this issue has finally been overcome.
Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
If the Democrats had any spine, they'd be arguing for - and voting for - much more significant reform, but they're too afraid of the 22% of citizens who don't want a public option, and the insurance lobbies who provide campaign money. Here's a clue: you don't need quite as much campaign money if you have better things to campaign on.
I disagree. I don't think the 22% you reference have much impact on how our representatives vote, at all; I think it's all about Big Med/Pharma money and congressional greed.
Originally Posted by Derwood
Everyone should know how much cash their representatives have pocketed from the health industry (and we wonder why this bill is such crap)
Thanks for the link, Derwood. It's as informative as it is disheartening.