We've got Droids
The new Droid phone became available at Verizon on Friday, and Grancey and I got ours. We've been with Verizon for 6 years, and our two-year contract was up for renewal on Friday (big coincidence), so we took the plunge.
We are two people who have NEVER accessed the internet, music, or e-mail through our phones before (we both had RAZR phones before this), and we're rocking out with these new Droids. I love mine, and so far I can probably only do about 2% of what it's capable of handling.
We were starting to get a little fed up with Verizon's customer service and were considering switching to AT&T for an iPhone when the Verizon contract expired, but several things changed our minds. The main issue was coverage - when we finish our house and move to the country, AT&T will just not work out there, whereas Verizon is all over the place. Secondly, a very trusted friend told us all about the Droid a couple of weeks ago, so we started looking at info. Finally, we went into the Verizon store Friday just to look at it when we ran into an IT guy from another business who raved and gushed to us about how fantastic the Droid would be.
When a geek gushes about technology, you listen.
If you're considering getting one, here's a major caveat - be prepared to log into your gmail account BEFORE you walk into the store (that means mail address PLUS password). It took us literally two hours to finally get logged in from our phone (the Droid is synced up to gmail and Google) because neither of us could get our paswords to work. I didn't have my glasses with me and couldn't read the teeny tiny screen that was telling me what to do in case I forgot my password (I dare you to try and read a CAPTCHA from a 3.7 inch screen), so we eventually drove home to our home computers, logged in, wrote down our passwords, and drove back to the Verizon store to finish up.
All in all, we're like kids at Christmas this weekend.
Living is easy with eyes closed.