Originally Posted by Willravel
Story here
Well that's interesting. 220 to 215 with one Republican crossing the aisle. It's watered down almost to the point where it won't help very many people, but at least it's passed.
No, not "at least it passed." Health care is one of those things where a shitty reform is worse than no reform. This is shitty reform. That's not even counting bullshit like the Stupak amendment, which ensures abortions will continue to be a benefit of being wealthy and yet another way to ensure lower income people remain that way. The freedom (both legal and financial) to choose when you have children is a significant factor in financial success.
If the Democrats had any spine, they'd be arguing for - and voting for - much more significant reform, but they're too afraid of the 22% of citizens who don't want a public option, and the insurance lobbies who provide campaign money. Here's a clue: you don't need quite as much campaign money if you have better things to campaign on.