It's been hinted at already, but I agree that sexuality for some is broader than it is for others. Some identify with being straight, but have interests in bisexuality, while others identify as gay but may have bisexual tendencies as well. Others simply consider themselves bisexual but may prefer one sex over the other when it comes to long-term relationships.
As for ethics, you only break human decency when you attempt to pressure someone into being something they aren't. You can fall into this trap by making assumptions and by being covert about your own intentions. Honesty is the best policy in things such as this.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I think all gay people are open to the idea of being straight - its so much the culturally dominant position that you would have to be incredibly insular not to be.
I sincerely doubt
all gay people are open to being straight. By that same token, it's like saying all straight people are open to being gay based on curiosity and recent cultural phenomenon and openness about homosexuality (not to mention that in some contexts and communities it's "cool" or "fashionable" to be gay). It simply isn't true.
This is not to say that some who identify as being gay aren't interested in being straight or may want to be straight, but this can be either a healthy thing or an unhealthy thing. If you are gay and hate the idea of it because of cultural pressure, this is probably a bad thing. I can't see gays typically being open to becoming straight just because it's culturally dominant to be that way. From what I've seen, many gays are quite happy being a part of their own community. "Straightness" doesn't seem to be much of a factor. Being gay isn't a choice any more than being straight is a choice.
Are you open to the idea of being gay?