ring: the clingy sheet ones, or the liquid variants?
Also, for those of you that truly know my keen intuition and uncanny knack for finding my coincidences, I researched (finally) the album picture that BadNick posted about 2-and-half-months ago (08/24).
the album name is
<S> marks the Spot ; artist: Sandwich
okay, here is an audible version:
track #11 "Selos" (I think the whole album is on youtube; also, I don't know what language this particular tune is sung in, but by the title, I think it is Espanol ~ "selos" means sky, heavens I think, or is it "cielos"? Ah, he said "la luna"... I'm still not sure.)
whatever, it's a good song, I think. What I want you to look at is the upload date on youtube: it was uploaded today. It's like I was meant to find it, none other day, no other inspiration, or conversation before this moment, for me to happen upon it.
1831 Weird. The most coincidental man in the world does it again.