They've run Summoner's Rift with both 6v6 and 4v4. They felt both inadequate as compared to 5v5. Personally, I don't find it ... 'ridiculous'? that you can gank with 2. It is very very very rare to have two junglers, and very very difficult to pull off well competitively (I've never seen it done well, each time that team failed hard). In a competitive team, with everyone on vent, you try to keep everyone updated on the enemy teams whereabouts. So if 2 people suddenly disappear from their lanes, -someone- should be calling it out on vent, and each lane preps itself to be ganked. They might move closer to their tower, dig in, or idk. Perhaps they might go missing as well, try to get a couple people together and do a gank of their own or try to countergank the ganking party.
That being said, it's totally possible to go host a 4v4 in practice games right now. I will say it is a slightly different experience, and not negatively.