I was raised by a good Polish cook. Now, I don't know if this is something gramma started on her own, or if it's some sort of traditional Polish thing that's been handed down to the cooks in the family, but baked pig skin is some
goooood eatin'.
Yes, I'm new. Hi. 
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Poppinjay
I like scrapple. People react negatively to it, I think mostly because of the name. It's the same as sausage basically, except mixed with corn meal. Generally speaking, it's so much lower in fat that it's more difficult to fry. So short order cooks sometimes serve up mushy scrapple which can turn people off.
Another scrapple fan here. Lots of folks think it's nasty, but I think they just haven't had it properly made.
I know I eat some things that make others grimace, but I draw the line at burgoo.