I got two of them, a 32" for the foot of the bed and a 42" for the main space. at the time Sharp was the only ones making a 1080p in 32". you can see the dots easy from 6-7 feet away on 1080i so I had to go for the Sharp. I'm still real happy with the screen, the amount of connections and all the on screen menus. starting to get curious about updating firmware on it I'd read reports of guys getting new features when they updated firmware on the AV forums I lurked. I like that the remotes work on either tv too. I feed my 42" with a PS3, comcast and my computer and I'm real happy with it.
now I had a Sony 36" WEGA XBR... 300lbs and 24" deep. very pritty. looked great with a Dreamcast and my Saturn too. I also miss all the pip. but it just died one day. I can't be lugging a 300lb TV to the repair shop.
with the new Sharp, the Saturn looks ok with an s-video cable. I'm thinking of getting a VGA box for the DC.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
Last edited by boink; 11-06-2009 at 07:53 PM..