I am completely on the fence with this topic. The top half of me says, "You need to dress professional at the work place. Don't dress like you are shelling for quarters at the local truck stop, this is a WORKplace for christ's sake."
I understand that some work places are a lot more relaxed when it comes to dress attire for the office, but still there is a need for professionalism. You either command respect or you don't. I have a bit of problem respecting a woman that is showing off her tracts of land to everyone like a desperate real estate agent. There is the possibility of the woman who knows she is hot and uses that to throw men off track in order to have an advantage over them in the land of office politics and sales. I have no idea if this works in the real world or is just a Hollywood myth.
It's also a issue with me because of the fact that I HAVE to wear pants/shirts/collars/ties (depending on my job) to work everyday. They can wear nice dresses or other clothing options that allow for more comfort during the summer/spring time. I think that is a little off-topic, but I did want to state that.
The bottom half of me says, "BOOBIES! Are they built for speed or comfort? Motorboat! You motorboating son of bitch, you old sailor you!"
So, yeah. I like boobies, but if you want respect, don't dress like that.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich