Originally Posted by Willravel
You have the subtlety of dialogue in a Star Wars movie.
That's almost Shakespearean in it's awesomeness as an insult.
Really, I think there's more lack-of proof than proof in any of these outcomes. To those that believe the Republican party is on it's last legs, the races show that they aren't right yet. To those who think extreme-right is the way to go, the races show that they aren't right yet. To those who think that Americans are tired of the president already, the races show that they aren't right yet.
There's information to be found and studied, just nothing worth drawing national conclusions from. Basically, New Jersey and Virginia like the Republican candidates more than the Democrats for governor, the 23rd District in New York thought the "Conservative" candidate was too extreme, and Maine as a whole doesn't want to see homosexuals receive the same rights as married heterosexual couples.