11-04-2009, 10:49 AM
#21 (permalink)
Sitting in a tree
Originally Posted by LordEden
This is from the mouth of my Chef, but Pork can be eaten medium rare and up. Like me, he prefers his medium with a bit of pink in the middle. Trichinosis was deadly back in the day because of the unsanitary conditions that pigs were kept in (rolling around in their own shit) and the fact that most feed fed to pigs was raw or undercooked. 50 years ago you wouldn't DARE undercook a pig, but now with better sanitation standards for pigs, you can have undercooked pig. I wouldn't do it in any other country that wasn't a highly developed country, but here I will under cook it. People were raised with the idea that pork is like chicken, it can't be undercooked or you will shit your brains out for 4 days then kill over dead. Basically, it can be done, but eat at your own risk. If you are fearful of Trichinosis, then cook it all the way through.
