Originally Posted by Herk
I here to discuss maintaining the highest standards for the children of public schools.
Well, that’s a whole ‘nother argument. If public schools maintained the highest standards for the children, then my tight ass wouldn’t be shelling out the money to send mine to a private school.
Originally Posted by Herk
That would be a pretty silly, money wasting marketing scheme now wouldn't it. Waste revenue to get people to do something they were already doing. That contradicts the idea of getting "more" people to shop there.
True. And, it may well encourage some to shop there. I’m sure that it does. For me, though, it’s just a minor inconvenience to save the receipts until I send them off to the school in my son’s backpack. That’s three more dollars that I won’t have to shell out next year.
Originally Posted by Herk
If they can just take the easy road of getting in bed with large corporations they don't need much creativity; they just need McDonald's to want children to shop there.
Why not? Civic government has been doing it for years. Look at the names of sports stadiums and public auditoriums. Omaha built a huge convention center several years ago. To help pay for it, they sold the naming rights to the highest bidder. The local telephone consortium won it. Now, when I want to catch Hannah Montana in concert, I go to the “Qwest” Center. Not the *Insert dead local politician’s name here* Memorial Auditorium. Would it be better if your school got into bed with…say… Gold’s Gym. Buy a membership and 15% of the cost goes to your child’s school? No, my kid likes his McNuggets, and his plate of soggy spaghetti with crappy sauce, as much as the next kid. But, we don’t over do it. And, I toss his butt outside to play, as opposed to sitting in front of the Wii all day long. So, if McDonald’s or Fazolli’s wants to pony up a couple of bucks to get people in the doors on a Wednesday night, so what? That just means that we won’t go on Saturday.
And...are you really comparing this to child prostitution? Tell me that I missed something along the way. Please?