Originally Posted by Herk
Dippin, I seriously do not follow your logic. If those analogies are false, where does the line exist? Between the obviously acceptable and ???
Every spectrum has extremes at either end, and it seems that you agree that it is obvious there is a line between these extremes, which was the entire point of the analogy. I feel like you guys are walking me in circles for fun.
No, we are criticizing you for engaging in fallacious arguments.
If your point is that there are some things that are inappropriate because we wouldn't want to fund schools through child prostitution either, then the analogy is irrelevant. Because no one at any point in this discussion said that there is no line, or that anything goes, and I guarantee that no one at the PTA will believe that anything goes either. We all know and accept that there are certain things that are inappropriate, even in the context of funding education.
If your point is that mcdonald's shouldnt be involved in fundraising because we wouldnt want to fund schools through child prostitution either, then the analogy is false. The reasons why we wouldn't want mcdonalds to be involved are completely distinct from the reasons we wouldn't want child prostitution to be involved.
And the reason others and I have pointed this out is that you will be significantly more successful in talking to the PTA about this if you focus on the particular reason why you are opposed to this, instead of nonsensical or irrelevant analogies.