So, the issues seem to be:
1. Are corporate sources of funding for non-profit organizations wrong?
2. Is McDonalds evil?
3. Should a PTA promote unhealthy eating in order to raise money?
4. Is it reasonable to oppose the PTA promoting unhealthy behaviors if I myself engage in unhealthy behaviors?
My answer to #1: If the interests of a corporation and a non-profit organization are aligned, why not take advantage of the alignment and help each other?
My answer to #2: I don't know and don't care whether or not McDonalds is evil, but they do promote unhealthy eating in children and adults for profit.
My answer to #3: Lifelong eating habits are developed in childhood. An organization designed to represent the interests of children should avoid encouraging unhealthy habits if at all possible. I feel that holding a fundraiser at McDonalds tacitly encourages unhealthy eating. I don't think that the interests of the PTA and McDonalds are aligned. It is, of course, up to the PTA to decide for themselves how they want to run their organization. Herk (presumably a member of the PTA) opposes feeding McDonald's to children in order to raise money. I oppose it as well. As robot parade suggested Post #2, if you are going to avoid McDonalds as a source of funds, alternative fund raising sources will need to explored.
My answer to #4: Yes, it is reasonable to oppose the PTA promoting McDonalds even if a person eats there on their own. Again, lifelong eating habits are developed in childhood. The impact of eating at McDonalds is greater for a child than for an adult both in terms of immediate health and in terms of future eating habits. Plus, every parent does things that they don't want their children to do. (Crossing the street without looking, drinking alcohol, smoking, picking your nose, etc.).
Last edited by sapiens; 11-04-2009 at 08:53 AM..