Originally Posted by wooÐs
[*]Must mix corn and mashed potatoes.
I do that too, but I know where it comes from.
So apparently it's a very Dutch thing to mix your food together. I grew up watching my dad mix things together on his plate. For instance, if he has your typical two-egg breakfast, he slices the bacon up, mixes it with his cut-up over-easy egg, and then mixes the whole thing with the breakfast potatoes. If dinner was pork, potatoes, applesauce, and a vegetable, all four would end up mixed up together. He still makes boiled potatoes to go with his canned peas often; he mushes together the potatoes and peas and tops them with gravy (yuck, if only because of the canned peas, which are an abomination).
My favorite mixture is to combine mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, a little gravy, and applesauce. I keep a box of good quality instant mashed potatoes (odd but true, they exist--look at the natural food store for potato flakes that are just potato flakes) on hand to make this faster, and making stuffing is quick too. Since my SO is veggie, we use a powdered veggie gravy mix that is very tasty and quick to make. Then the corn goes on, then the applesauce, and it all gets slowly mixed together, because I always want a bite of potato-stuffing-gravy-corn-applesauce. My SO thinks it's so gross. I think it's delicious.
And sometimes I like to eat cheesewiches, which are bread, Best Foods mayonnaise (don't be skimpy), Gulden's brown mustard, and thinly sliced Tillamook cheddar on whole-wheat. They are mostly an excuse to eat mayonnaise.