Borla, I've made it clear why the religion analogy applies. Your refusal to see the obvious corollary is not my problem. $10 and $10000000 are very different quantitatively, but they both are measure of the same thing, dollars. The question is, what is appropriate or not for the school to involve students in. Very simple.
Spindles, if it were based on trips that were already made, my child wouldn't be asking me to take her, we'd already be going. If McDonald's were just donating the money based on regular patronage that would be great. The idea is that they are trying to get additional people to come that otherwise may not have in addition to having people work at little cost to them to further increase the margins. They did the same thing by paying school districts to let them advertise on report cards in Florida... bu but it makes the school a little money.
Ultimately, because my life required me to be otherwise occupied tonight and the PTA president never confirmed me on the agenda, I wasn't able to attend. She sent me an email after that essentially said that there were tons of proponents disappointed by my absence because they were just dying to defend McDonald's, too. It amazes me how many people are so much more interested in protecting the wellbeing of corporations over the health and intelligence of their children.
I don't see why we don't donate equal time to getting the teachers and parents together to instruct students and interested parents how to cook a meal from scratch. Then charge them for the meal. How uncanny, to set a good example, scrape the other 80% of revenue minus overhead, and care about your child's health all at the same time.
Thank you all for your input and the discussion.
---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 PM ----------
Originally Posted by highthief
I fully agree with you Herk. There is a movement afoot here in Ontario to remove/limit anything to do with junk food in our primary schools. I don't think McDs is evil - and we occasionally eat there - but I would not want to see it mixed into the school in any formal way.
Thank you. That sums up how I feel quite nicely.