Desiree sank back comfortably against the head rest.
Her demeanor had changed.
"Can you hear the beautiful music?" she serenely asked Rhodes and #3.
Leaning forward from the backseat, Rhodes asked, "What music?"
#3 apologetically turned the radio off. "What was playing I don't consider music."
Time took a hush moment for the three travelers.
Desiree smiled and whispered:
"It's a symphony I now recognize. My babies are all talking at once inside my head."
#3 laid a reassuring hand on her thigh, and said:
"As they become more mature, perhaps they will learn to take turns speaking."
Desiree replied:
"All is as it should be this moment, it always is, no sense in rushing what can't be rushed."
Rhodes tucked Jim's manual safely inside his jacket.
He let the road noises lull him.