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Old 11-03-2009, 03:06 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rekna View Post
1) A large majority of voters just happened to be registered because they checked a box when they got their drivers license, there is likely very little difference in how informed the voter is between those registered in advance and those that are the same day. Also there is no requirement on voters being informed. If we want there to be we better put that requirement on everyone (AKA a test on the issues prior to voting) of course this is completely illegal.
2) The whole election process is based on people being influenced. Just because you don't like who does the influencing doesn't mean you can discard their votes.
3) If you aren't registered in advance then your vote should be done as a provisional ballot that gets counted after the registration is validated. This doesn't really open up any extra room for fraud that didn't already exist. In fact I can think of one case where it would actually lesson it. For example today I could have voted in the wrong district because I was registered where I used to live. I didn't but I easily could have, especially since I drove through that area on my way to work. I'm sure many people vote for where they used to live. If there was same day registration they could vote where they currently live.

Now here are some arguments for same day registration:

1) An issue may come up within 30 days of an election that peaks a voters interest and they should be able to vote.
2) If a person is a US citizen who has not lost their right to vote then they should be legally able to vote.
3) It increases participation giving a better statistical representation of the peoples wishes.
4) Could potentially decrease election fraud (see above).

All valid points.

I believe one has a moral obligation in America to keep up with who you are voting for and why. Yes, it is illegal to qualify voters through testing. However, every election, some dumbass pulls the handle and cancels out your well-informed vote. Don't know how to fix it, I just think it sucks. I don't mind someone like you, dippin, dc_dux, or roachboy canceling me out, because at least I know that it's a well informed vote (all assuming we would vote opposite on the issue, of course.) It's the dumbass that bugs me.

As for the voter registration influence issue, it's a weak argument - I know. I just have this vision of the "hey, I'll give you a pack of smokes to go pull the handle. What's that you say, you're not registered? No problem, sign here please."

It would have been interesting to see if you could have voted in your old district, seeing as how your license was in your new address. Where I live, you can bring your license only and they can "look you up." While waiting in line and watching, it seems most people vote that way rather than the registration card.
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