After playing the real game on 360 i gotta say this game is pretty damn good!
The way they handle the spells is very clean and fluid. X Y and B cast spells, if you hold right trigger it brings up another 3 to choose from. A selects targets/loots/talks to people.
The environments are all extremely well done and detailed so far. The voice acting is spot on, and there are TONS of people to talk to. The quests are all very clear and well labeled, i haven't had any trouble yet finding what i need to find or talking to who i need to talk to.
The dialog text has all been very interesting so far and you can take it in many different direction. You can be nice, be a prick.. talk people into and out of things based on your skills.
If you guys liked Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect DEFINITELY pick this game up. You WILL enjoy it. It takes everything from those games that was great and improves on it extremely well.
To all future mages: be careful in The Fade!
We Must Dissent.