A few weeks ago i started getting a similar "problem". Its been perfectly fine until that moment. All of the sudden a very sharp pain went through the penis then "disappeared", a few seconds followed by something that felt like a fist bunch in the groin/stomach. A short while later the pain disappears from that as well. I do not feel any pain or anything unusual when peeing.
Like i said a few weeks ago it started happen. A few days before that i felt like something wasnt right with the body, it was just a "feeling", i couldnt sleep for the entire day. Then it faded away... followed by what i first stated a few days later. Right now i hope for the pain to magically disappear so i am taking it easy and hoping for the best. A couple of days ago i took a closer look at the ejaculation when peeing(yeah, always a little left in the tube) and i noticed this very tiny crystal like thing disappearing into the sink. I didnt really get that much look at it, except that it looked "solid" and had a red tiny edge on it, which i assume was blood.