Originally Posted by AVoiceOfReason
No, I've not heard from her in about 12 years, and that was a phone call. Before that, it had been the biggest part of 2 decades since I'd seen or talked to her.
I wouldn't mind chatting/emailing her sometime--we had some common friends, but I don't think we'd discuss my (not her) first time.
Update: I did locate her on MySpace. We had a nice exchange of a few notes, and I got around to telling her she was my first. I found out I was also hers! She had talked tough, I called her bluff and we swapped virginities without knowing it. Now, I can explain some things I didn't know how to process at 16--like how still she was, and the blood on my underwear I found the next morning (thinking she had done it, I thought I'd caught her at "the wrong time of the month").
Since then, we've seen each other three times--twice at her place of employment and a lunch meeting. We're both happily married (she's going on a trip next week for her 30th anniversary), but we exchange e-mails several times a week, and we're glad we are friends now. And glad the truth has finally come out after 1/3 of a century!