Originally Posted by ring
More loss more loss more loss.
My dear sweet lady across the hall neighbor & friend,
The lady next to her apt, also.. all gone.
...and now the lovely gentlemean to the right of my apt.
We had the biggest crush on each other.
He had 90 plus years of good living, wits included.
It still hurts.
Another loss compounds other losses.
I understand more fully, that look in the eyes of the old.
Each passing moment is a lesson.
My ex-mother-law had to endure five of her seven children dying before her.
I'm the youngster at the home for the elderly and disabled.
How am I feeling?
Light and variable.
In the moment.
Is this where you live or what you do for a living? Either way, it takes a special person to be around that sort of environment. I'm considering a career change into working with the elderly. I'm just not sure what I want to do would cover life.
I feel ho hum. Pissed off that baseball killed my Sunday tv. A little irritable. ggrrrrrruf ruf ruf.