Originally Posted by Willravel
You know what, no. No, this thread isn't about the free market fallacy or the Constitution. This thread is about the Republican vs. Conservative party race in New York and the wider implications for the right. I was stupid to get caught up in this again, but this conversation should be had without threadjacking.
Dksuddeth:1, WillRavel:0
hehe. j/k..
ok done with threadjack.
I do agree with Pan6467.
Though just that we have to keep that "crappy old paper" the Constitution in mind.
It is to limit government and a new party that has that as its basic foundation, I would vote for.
we can still be progressive, conservative with that paper. instead of gutting it and thinking it is from a different time.
we could say that about any program that is out there too. NEW DEAL, CENTRAL BANKS,HEALTHCARE. all the lot.
there is always many ways to fix this for the better. not just accept what we have been taught all our lives and accepting it.
so to say the New deal was good, you could also say, that it gave too much power to the government. They were in charge of the economy and large industrial companies. This in turn could lead to a dictatorship among the government and the liberties of individuals would be taken away.
and look where it took us. we no longer produce anything. so the New deal may have been good back then, but now?
giving govt power, for "false securities" is where alot of people fall though.