TACO bristled and sputtered at the continuing she reference.
Summoning his best Truman Capote impersonation, he said:
"Dearest Silenus, I think it's time to tell you to go pet your own feline."
James Cant-Hear-You shouted:
"My kingdom for a Q-Tip!"
Willing Captive Wench unsheathed her sword.
Pirate noticed her stance and unflasked his flask. After swallowing a large gulpful,
he re-corked & said to himself, "This is going to be a something."
Wench twirled the sword above her head while proclaiming:
"Watch what a she can do."
They watched.
"Oh my lands!," Jim spoke louder than he needed to,
"You've beheaded the Great Pumpkin."