I also have a very strong gag reflex. Every time I change dentists, I have to make damn sure they're aware of it. Usually, they don't realize how serious it is until the first time I have to open wide, and then they get the idea. When I was 7 or 8, I had a dentist who refused to believe I had a gag reflex, and while working on me under the gas, I provided a reminder to the entire chair and room. His assistants weren't too happy with the cleanup, I'm sure.
Also, in high school, I had a girlfriend who washed her hair with vinegar for some damn reason. Every morning when I got to school, she'd walk up to me and the smell of vinegar would send my gag reflex into overdrive. She wasn't too pleased to watch me start urking as soon as she saw me each morning. A friend of ours covered for me and told her it was because I drank too much coffee in the morning, and I had to give up coffee while we dated. No girl is worth that.
Living is easy with eyes closed.