Originally Posted by Rekna
What we need is a truth in media law. If the media is reporting news should should have to meet certain truth standards. This is especially true for political adds!
Just the other day Rush Limbaugh reported an Obama quote found on a website. When a caller informed rush that the website he was quoting Obama on was satire Rush said "Well I stand by the quote because Obama thinks it anyway'
John Stewert had a great piece on fox news recently:
Video: For Fox Sake! | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Fox news (and some other media outlets) propagate lies and propaganda as truth and that is wrong.
And of course the only way to enforce standards is to get the government involved which is extremely scary. Are they going to force us to believe the official story of things from JFK to 9/11 to the Iraq war.
Why would the government allow news that doesn't take the official stance that the government holds on issues?
Leave it up to the individual to sort out truth from fiction.
One's persons truth is another person's lies. Letting the government sort this out is a huge problem.