What do you think of Fox News?
The White House seems to dislike the opinions and fear-mongering masquerading as facts coming from this network. Do you agree with the White House, or do you think Fox News is doing their job and accurately and fairly reporting the news?
Now I watch Fox News occasionally (when in hotel rooms or airports), and O'Reilly does his job well, even though I don't always agree. He presents to opposing view and why it is good. He asks the guests tough questions, and doesn't allow them to give the same answers as they have before. The problem I have is that other shows only nag and bring up the negative side of the Democratic policies. It isn't "Fair & Balanced" like they advertise. I haven't heard one positive thing about Cap & Trade (or Cap & Tax as they call it). And they are blaming the gov spending and the current administration for not creating lots of new jobs out of thin air. They argue that the country will become 'socialist' if any minor liberal policy becomes law...
Now, I do support their First amendment right to their opinions, and I understand them holding the politicians feet to the fire, but I think they take it too far sometimes and exaggerate things to get their views across to the public.
Do you watch Fox News very much? Do you think they do a good job reporting the news? Do you think they are fair and balanced?