btw, below pic is a "Wall-E-Sandwich"
Originally Posted by Jetée
Post a picture of your splendid efforts afterwards......Opera...
Not sure what you mean by post a pic of my efforts...but below is a pic of my photobucket front page; I wasn't so organized when I first started and then realized I would quickly lose track of what's where so I started making folders. It still needs better organization, but photobucket will lose/destroy the original pic links if I change the folder structure <<< STUPID PB THING #3!!! My front page reflects my current ponderings regarding a new turbo setup for my Supra
Basically, I hate Microsoft software for the most part but have surrendered to the harsh reality that I have to use their crap. Back when Netscape was in its heyday, I resolved to never use Microsoft products. But then things changed....I have often thought of using Opera since I've heard nothing but good things about it. Maybe I'll try it out to see how it feels.