Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
samcol, it's already been discussed that the clause appears not just in the Preamble, but also in Article I, Section 8.
Also, no one is saying that the clause is to be interpreted as a blank cheque.
I understand but much of that sentence still appears to be a preamble or summary for that section. Doesn't the general welfare clause make the rest of the powers redundant though?
I'll use to provide 'common defense' as an example because it seems to be used in a similar matter, however they go on and specifically describe: to raise and maintain and army and navy, organizing and disciplining the militia etc.
Similarly if you take 'general welfare' they go on to describe it in specifics with things like coining money, regulate commerce, borrow money etc.
In both cases if you use these two terms in a broad sense it makes the rest of the section rather pointless.